How To Order

Artwork Guidelines

Accepted Formats


  • Use a graphic designing program to create and submit in .ai, .eps, .pdf (with preserved illustrator editing capabilities checked) or .cdr file format
  • Include a PDF of the artwork


  • Use Photoshop to create a .psd, .tiff or .jpg file format

Artwork Guidelines

Don’t crowd letters, words or lines. Leave some breathing space between text elements. Make sure there is enough space between the lines. The larger the text size the less you need to increase the line spacing.

Cast Plaques

  • Submit only black and white artwork in CMYK color mode
    • Black represents a raised area (i.e. letters) and raised border
    • White represents a recessed area


  • Minimum height requirement for raised text is 3/8” for capital letters and 1/4” for lowercase letters
  • Minimum height requirement for recessed text is 3/4” for capital letters and 5/8” for lower case letters
  • Recessed letters must have a minimum 0.125” stroke width
  • Recessed areas must be at least 0.125”, if the areas are not to be filled in
  • Tracking and Kerning should be at 100% and no less than 80%
  • Letters within a layout should not touch


  • Thin lines must be at least 4 points
  • Lines close together should be 2 to 3 points


  • Define what images/text are raised or recessed
  • Minimum letter size is 10 points for raised copy and 8 for recessed
  • Note any art or text to be converted to Braille
  • Minimum line weight is 1 point and 1.5 point depending on the plaque material

Requirements for ImageCast Photographs
The highest quality photos will produce the highest quality cast image.

Tips for choosing photos:

  • Choose original photos in black & white or color. (No photocopies)
  • Choose photos with good contrast. Avoid washed out photos.
  • Photos that are out of focus, faded or need to be retouched because of scratches, tears or stains, etc. may result in extra charges.
  • If only a portion of a photo is to be used, that portion must be clearly specified. (E.g. Are all of the people in the photo to be included? which background images are essential? What should or can be omitted?)
  • Remove photos from mountings or frames.

Tips for scanning photos:

  • If your scanner software offers you the option of preview or a pre-scan, choose this so you can
  • crop unnecessary parts of the photos, this will reduce your file size.
  • Choose resolution of 150dpi – 300dpi for a standard size photo (approximately 3.5”x5”)
  • Make sure scanner bed is free of dust. Clean with lint free paper or cloth.
  • Photos may be in either a horizontal or vertical format
  • File formats accepted: EPS, PSD, JPEG, TIFF


Saxton will provide proofs of the artwork for you to check and double-check upon the commencement of your project and prior to manufacturing.

Upon your approval, please sign the designated area and either fax or email the approved proof to us:

Fax: 818-265-0692
